Make It Happen! Amen Rahh, Principal

Make It Happen! Amen Rahh, Principal


Meet Amen Rahh the revolutionary school principal who overcame great challenges and temptations in the streets of Compton, California to become a leader who impacts communities both in the United States and around the world. Inspired by the words of his father, “Son you can dream bigger. You can change the world,” Rahh has paved the way towards revolutionary changes in education that enable kids to find purpose and passion in their own lives today. Principal Rahh’s story will show young readers how they too, can Make It Happen!

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Author: Amen Rahh
Product ID: 18128


Grade 2-8 | Nonfiction | ISBN: 979-8-88634-056-3| Lexile: 540 | GRL: J | English
Grade 6-12 | Nonfiction | ISBN: 979-8-88634-057-0 | Lexile: 800 | GRL: R | English

Make It Happen! Amen Rahh, Principal :


  • Features relatable and diverse people to inspire readers
  • Enables students to think about, plan for, and achieve their own goals
  • Motivates readers to persevere to overcome obstacles such as bullying, learning challenges, and more!
  • Includes strategies to identify, develop, and implement life skills critical to success
  • Provides opportunities to explore different career paths

Key features:

  • Depth of Knowledge questions and standards-aligned activities for the classroom
  • Discussion questions to support social-emotional learning
  • Primary sources such as unique photos to help students relate in a personal way
  • Glossary to build student vocabulary

About the Author:
Amen Rahh is a nationally known educator, writer, and speaker paving the way towards educational revolution. Trained at the International Institute for Restorative Practices, he has been a leading voice in the quest to transform the K-12 education experience in America. He founded University Pathways Public Service Academy, now considered a model school for building restorative communities. Today, he travels around the world inspiring communities with his sweeping ideas about transforming education.

A whole child approach ensures that each student is healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged.

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