Grades K-5 | Fiction | ISBN: 979-8-8863406-0-0 | English
Little City Big Dreams
- Provides language and visuals that are relatable to diverse urban communities
- Inspires students to focus on a love of reading
- Helps students recognize strengths and a sense of purpose
- Encourages process of goal setting and motivation
- Fosters self-discipline and perseverance
- Depth of Knowledge questions and standards-aligned activities for the classroom
- Glossary to support verbal and written skills and provide access to academic language
About the Author:
Amen Rahh is a nationally known educator, writer, and speaker paving the way towards educational revolution. Trained at the International Institute for Restorative Practices, he has been a leading voice in the quest to transform the K-12 education experience in America. He founded University Pathways Public Service Academy, now considered a model school for building restorative communities. Today, he travels around the world inspiring communities with his sweeping ideas about transforming education.