Make It Happen! Upper and Lower (all 13 titles x 2)

Make It Happen! Upper and Lower (all 13 titles x 2)


How do people become successful?

Are some people just lucky?

Biographies from Make It Happen! help students answer these questions while building reading and life skills necessary to understand how to reach their own goals. This series is not about learning how to become a superstar or a hero.

Every title is available on two reading levels!

ISBN: 9781682656679

Categories: , , , , ,
Product ID: 16979

Judaline Cassidy, Plumber

View Product | $19.90

No matter what the obstacles were, Judaline was motivated to work hard to change the way the world viewed women who wanted to work in trades-related jobs.


Stéphane Matteau, Hockey Star & Activist

View Product | $19.90

After his successful career as a hockey player, Stéphane struggled to be happy. Soon, he decided that he would be happiest by helping others overcome their own anxieties and fears.


Domingo Zapata, Artist

View Product | $19.90

Today, he travels around the world creating his art and inspiring others to achieve their own goals with discipline and purpose.


Josh Johnson, Tap Dancer

View Product | ISBN: 9781682656365 | $19.90

Welcome to the Underground Tap Show. I am your host, you are my audience. This is a Broadway show without a Broadway ticket. If you would like to make any donations, please feel free. Here we go


Stephen Ritz, Urban Farmer

View Product | ISBN: 9781682656358 | $19.90

Stephen Ritz is a globally acclaimed teacher, who helps students from diverse communities thrive in school and in life by growing, cooking, eating, and sharing the bounty of their green classroom.


Josiah Ng, Cyclist

View Product | ISBN: 9781682656464 | $19.90

he rode 40 miles to his grandparents’ house in a monsoon. He wasn’t going to let anything stop him.


Gaelin Rosenwaks, Marine Scientist

View Product| ISBN: 9781682656471 | $19.90


Anaya Willabus, Writer

View Product| ISBN: 9781682656488 | $19.90


Wé McDonald, Singer

View Product | ISBN: 9781682656372 | $19.90


Dr. Alfredo Quiñones, Surgeon

View Product | ISBN: 9781682656419 | $19.90


Ashima Shiraishi, Rock Climber

View Product | ISBN: 9781682656402 | $19.90


“Big Boy” Wills, Cartoonist

View Product | ISBN: 9781682656389 | $19.90


Solomon Dubner, Podcaster

View Product | ISBN: 9781682656396 | $19.90



MIH! Series Lower Level Set (1 copy of 13 titles) • 9781682656693 • $116.35
MIH! Series Upper Level Set (1 copy of 13 titles) • 9781682656686 • $142.35


  • Features relatable and diverse people to inspire readers
  • Enables students to think about, plan for, and achieve their own goals
  • Motivates readers to persevere to overcome obstacles such as bullying, learning challenges, and more!
  • Includes strategies to identify, develop, and implement life skills critical to success
  • Provides opportunities to explore different career paths

Key features:

  • Depth of Knowledge questions and standards-aligned activities for the classroom
  • Discussion questions to support social-emotional learning
  • Primary sources such as unique photos to help students relate in a personal way
  • Glossary to build student vocabulary

Make It Happen!

The Make It Happen! series helps students build the skills necessary to reach their own goals. This series is not about learning how to become a superstar or hero. Instead, each book presents unique people who have overcome great challenges to succeed in work and life.

A whole child approach ensures that each student is healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged.

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