The Cook Book – A Recipe For Life Success

The Cook Book – A Recipe For Life Success


Develop life skills and success in school and in sports with this refreshing and inspiring book written by NBA great Quinn Cook. Designed to support social emotional skill development at all levels, this book is inspired by Quinn Cook’s love for people and the transcending influence of his relationships with strong role models including his father and athletes like Lebron James and Kevin Durant.

Product ID: 18299ISBN: 9798886340617 .


Grades 5-12 | English | ISBN: 9798886340617

Lexile Score – 830L

The Cook Book – A Recipe For Life Success:


  • Engages students to learn social-emotional skills
  • Introduces readers to the power of support systems
  • Teaches life skills such as leadership, initiative, discipline, and perseverance
  • Inspires students to take pride in who they are and to learn to have compassion for others

Key Features:

  • Depth of Knowledge content aligned to Common Core ELA Standards
  • Engaging hands-on group activities to support classroom collaboration
  • Glossary to build and expand student vocabulary
  • Primary sources to help students relate to history in a personal way


Quinn is the definition of never quitting. He keeps his head up and keeps working. Now look at him. He is a champion at every level on and off the court! I love my little brother. I’m so proud of him for writing this inspiring book that will impact kids at all levels!
LeBron James, NBA Champion

To be a champion at every level is one thing, but to actually be a multiplier and make everything better is another. This book shows that Quinn is the true definition of resilience and hard work. The sky is the limit for Quinn and this book!
Stephen Curry, NBA Champion

I’m inspired by this book by Quinn Cook. To see him go from a little boy chasing a dream and then capturing his dream–while also inspiring others–says enough. His love for the game and concern for others makes him stand out from other people. Seeing how far he’s come has only made him stronger and better, and it’s made us tighter. I’m happy that I’ve been there every step of the way to support him.
Kevin Durant, NBA Champion

I love Quinn. He is one of the best leaders I’ve ever been around. He’s a pure joy to coach. I’m so appreciative for our relationship.
Coach Mike Krzyzewski, Hall of Fame Basketball Coach

About the Authors:

Quinn Cook:
Quinn Cook is a professional basketball player and motivational speaker. As a leader, Quinn has impacted his community while also winning championships in high school, at Duke University, as well as in the NBA (Golden State Warriors and Los Angeles Lakers). Inspired by his father, who passed away when his son was young, Quinn has dedicated his life to teaching others to overcome challenges and actively achieve their life goals.

Jack McClinton III:
Jack McClinton was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. As a young boy, Jack dreamed of success in sports. His number 33 basketball jersey hangs in the rafters at the University of Miami, where he is a member of the university’s Sports Hall of Fame. As a player, Jack leads the ACC in three-point field goal percentage and ranks second in the ACC for free throw percentage. Jack was drafted to the NBA by the San Antonio Spurs in 2009. Following a short NBA career, Jack went on to inspire the world with his brand, Active Dreamers, helping athletes become the CEO of their own lives.

A whole child approach ensures that each student is healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged.

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